This is how we celebrate Valentine's Day in Europe
Some think it is a commercial affair, others think it is important to get at least a rose on Valentine's Day. We Dutch are a down-to-earth people, yet we secretly like these days a lot. And of course it is also nice to receive a small gift from your beloved. Of course, you know he or she loves you, but it never hurts to emphasise that, right? But how do other peoples in Europe treat Valentine's Day? We asked our international colleagues working at YourSurprise!
Expressing your love on Valentine's Day
In the UK, we give each other a rose, or send a card (anonymously) with a sweet message. Although, most people always joke that the postman had so much mail that he couldn't lift the bag. So hardly anyone gets a card? In Poland, students can send each other a card through the school mail. Internal postmen make sure the cards get to the right students. In France, many schools distribute roses: order a rose in time from the concierges and then, on Valentine's Day, your flame will receive a beautiful flower.
If you are single...
Many singles can't really appreciate a day like Valentine's Day. In Sweden, Spain and increasingly in Italy, singles have come up with a solution to this: eating out with your best friend, having a drink with your brother or sister or just going to the pub with friends. Why only on Valentine's Day? In Sweden, events for singles are increasingly being organised... a great place to meet your future flame it seems to us!
What do we give each other?
In the UK, we like to give each other flowers or a nice piece of jewellery. Physical gifts are also very popular in Belgium, Sweden, Italy and Spain. Think of flowers, chocolate, jewellery, lingerie (oeh la la la) or a sweet card. In France and Poland, it is customary to do nice things: take your beloved out for dinner, spend a night in a hotel, go to the sauna together or enjoy a film.
Preparation is half the battle
Not everyone starts preparing a gift for Valentine's Day well in time, luckily there is same-day delivery to still get that bunch of flowers delivered to your home on time. The French also honestly admit to not starting until the last minute. The Belgians and Swedes claim they are on time and have everything arranged a few days in advance. The Spanish take the crown: they say they are ready weeks in advance.
How much do we spend
Oh, the moment of truth, because how much is love worth? We believe that no matter how much you spend on a gift, real love is above all about paying attention to each other. Better something small and meaningful than something expensive and of little consequence. If we have to mention amounts: the Spanish and Germans spend between 10-20 euros. The French and Italians say they spend between €20-30 and Swedes often spend more than €30. We Dutch are not out of line with this, are we?
The best gift tips for Valentine's DayAre you still looking for a nice gift and could use some inspiration? Below are our most popular Valentine's Day gifts:
Looking for more inspiration? Then check out all our Valentine gifts.